We all want to stay healthy!


Welcome to our  'healthy4you' website. With it you can access Life consultants and Therapists for many personal Health & Councelling services.  We will also be keeping it updated and adding to it with many new products, particularly in the range of Herbal and Allergy  products.


Latest new product is the drink Compenz8. It is a particular herb mixed with grape juice. Not only is it refreshing, but the herb helps the liver cells re-generate after alcohol..now that is a bonus when it comes to the festive season!!


If you have questions please email us: 

Energise your health

Super patch

An exciting new health product 

No Drugs, No Chemicals, No supplements! So simple to use!!


So, How does it function?

Quite simply, It utilises the neurological parts of your brain that control pain and most feelings.

You can listen for yourself to the video,

Check out the youtube video- it explains how the patches function

Wellness & Mindfulness


Our wellness studios are based at Teignmouth, where you can come and meet our trained Life Consultants, Therapists and Councellors offering therapies that could be of interest to you.

Breathing is something we do naturally without thinking!  Just imagine if we did not breathe there would be no life...try holding your breath for a few minutes and you will see what we mean!


But do we breathe properly?  Doing so can be of immense benefit to your health and well being just as much as exercising.  In fact it is another exercise for the body.

Pregnancy & Loss


At certain times life can through an emotional challenge and one of the most difficult is that of Miscarriage or even abortion for health reasons.

It can be a very difficult time emotionally for both mother & father, who need counselling to deal with this life changing event.

Choices Pregnancy centre are a charity who offer all ther counselling that parents need.

They have branches in Both Teignmouth and Exeter to cover requirements of South Devon.

Calling all Councellors and Therapists.


Do you need a quiet space to offer your services?   You can book our studio as a place of relaxation to offer your Councelling or Therapy services.

Contact us for availabilty and cost.

Water Water everywhere but can I drink it?


Water is the basis of all life. Plants, Animals and Humans depend on it for life! Without it the planet would die, so we can see how importment it is, but how healthy is it?


We tend to accept that the water that comes from our Taps is perfect to drink. It has of course been treated so that no viruses or bacteria are present. This means using Chlorine, which is in effect a bleach forthe want of a better word.


Now what does Chlorine do to the body?  Well it can reduce the iodine, in the blood, which protects our bodies from bacteria and illness...so in effect we gain a clean drinking water but one that is also not perfect for the human body!

Staying healthy


Some of the simplist things can be the best for the body!

Did you know that the human body needs both Sodium and Potassium in balance for perect health?

Sodium is better known as common table salt.  But what about Potassium? This comes in the form of fruits, vegetables and fruit juices such as Cranberry and Grape.  Also, one of the best is Cider Vinegar.


Each individual who wants to get the most out of life must learn to control their potassium - sodium balance.

Did you know?


*That Garlic helps the body remove heavy metals from the body!

*That Milk Thistle helps your Liver cells repair, so consider this herb if you like an alcoholic drink or two!


Ayurveda is the ancient science of life,

It is the sister science of yoga, that employs food, herbs, lifestyle habits and daily practices to create a definite path to a truly happy life. A science that's been written in documents dating back to over 5000 years, is still very much alive today and practiced passionately by those who believe in complete wellness of the body and the mind. When it comes to beauty - Ayurveda does not stop at superficial beauty, but in fact, lends from nature, to restore nature.

Foods that nourish the body

Foods for healthy life


We all have our own preferences as far as food is concerned, whether your diet is meat and fish based or purely fruit and vegetables.  But from the foods we eat we need to ensure we are getting the minerals and vitimins our human bodies require to stay healthy and to ensure a disease free longer life.   Have a look at NHS advice

Wiltshire farm foods

Whatever your appetite and your dietary needs may be, you can trust Wiltshire to get it right – they’ve been doing it long enough after all and over the years they’ve won awards for what they do.  They firmly believe that good food can put a spring in your step and a smile on your face so go on, dig in, and see what you fancy.